Winter weather is finally here in this first week of December. Clearing and grubbing of trees and bushes continues on the Hagemann Gulch bridge abutment areas on the east and west sides of the gulch. During the clearing process the heritage roses on the top of the eastern bank were uncovered. These roses are the 'Rose of Castile', planted by the Arana family in about 1843. They are the last original plants of that rose in town. The Parks and Recreation Department has removed some that were the most impacted by the new bridge alignment and they will be transplanted.
New Marsh Vista Trail
Grading of the new Marsh Vista trail is still on schedule to begin December 9. The trail will be temporarily unavailable while California Conservation Corps (CCC) crews will be cutting in the new trail. Please use caution and follow the detour signs until the trail is opened for public use.
Multi-Use Trail Construction
Construction of the new multi-use trail continues this week on the hillside portion of the east/west segment with the excavation, grading, and compaction to prepare for the the installation of fabric and base rock. Work on the main trail continues through next week with formwork and placement of pervious concrete.
2. Install security fencing
3. Excavate Hillside
Timber Lagging Wall at Harbor Access Road
The clearing, grubbing and tree removal has been completed along the harbor access road. Survey staking for the layout of the multi-use trail on the north side of the road will begin this week. Security fencing will be installed along the new trail alignment to contain construction activities. Excavation of the hillside will begin next week to prepare the slope for the timber lagging wall. Pile layout will follow the completion of the excavation (see video below)
Scheduled work for this week
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Workers clearing brush and small trees in Hagemann Gulch |
Hagemann Gulch Bridge
1.Excavate bridge footing on east and west side
2. Install security fencing
3. Install erosion control measures with silt fencing and straw waddles
2. Install security fencing
3. Install erosion control measures with silt fencing and straw waddles
Timber Lagging Wall at Harbor Road
1. Survey new wall and path alignment along road2. Install security fencing
3. Excavate Hillside
Pervious Concrete Multi-Use Trail
1. Excavate subgrade / Compaction completed
2. Install fabric and baserock
3. Begin formwork
2. Install fabric and baserock
3. Begin formwork