Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Construction Activities

Construction Activities Dec. 17 - Dec. 24

Multi-Use Trail Construction

Construction of the new multi-use trail continues this week with the placement of the pervious concrete on the hillside section of the Creekview Trail and the upper western portion of the east/west segment to Hagemann Gulch. Excavation and formwork for the tail has begun at the bottom of the hill at the intersection behind the harbor dry storage yard. The contractor has fenced off this area and they will excavate, fill with rock, and place concrete over the next five days.

Placement of pervious concrete for multi-use trail near Hagemann Gulch

New Marsh Vista Trail Construction Completed

Grading of the new Marsh Vista trail is complete! The trail was completed last week by the California Conservation Corps (CCC) crews. Thanks to all of their hard work, visitors can enjoy the new trail as it meanders through majestic oaks along Arana Creek.

California Conservation Crew hard at work constructing new Marsh Vista Trail

The new Marsh Vista Trail meanders through majestic oaks along Arana Creek
Red Tail Hawk soars overhead enjoying another beautiful day in Arana Gulch



Timber Lagging Wall at Harbor Access Road

The clearing, grubbing and tree removal has been completed along the harbor access road. Excavation of the hillside is complete. Pile layout and installation starts Thursday 12/19. After the piles are installed crews will begin placing the timber lagging between the piles. The completed retaining wall will be permanent and will provide the necessary shoring of the hillside for the multi-use trail.

Benched segments for timber lagging wall along harbor access road

Cross section of multi-use trail along harbor access road

Scheduled work for this week

Workers clearing brush and small trees in Hagemann Gulch

Hagemann Gulch Bridge

1.Excavate bridge footing on east and west side

2. Install erosion control measures with silt fencing and straw waddles

    Timber Lagging Wall at Harbor Road

    1. Pile layout

    2. Install piles

    3. Install lagging

    Pervious Concrete Multi-Use Trail

    1. Complete formwork

    2. Placement of pervious concrete trail

    3. Begin work at trail intersection at harbor